The calendar says spring is just over a week away. I even had a red-winged blackbird sitting in the tree outside my bedroom window this morning. The temperature says something different however. I took Daisy Lu and Ole, my Norwegian elkhound out for a romp this morning and I'm still having a hard time typing. My fingers are in melt mode and still moving pretty slow. I'm not complaining though!! Today is in the teens....yesterday it was in the belows!! Onward to spring!!
I agree~ I'm so ready for spring!!!
Hi Ranch Mommy,
Thank you for being the first to comment on my blog. I will be spending a little more time at your ranch tomorrow!
Hi! I saw your comment on farmgirl's website, so I thought I'd stop be and say hello. Dogs and snow are two of our favorite things to write about, too!
Hi Kathryn! Hello Ari!
Thanks for stopping by. We have cousins in Maine, what a beautiful state. I've spent summers on Long Island ME and cant wait to go visit again. We're big birders here and cant wait for the arrival of our summer friends...but that does mean letting go our winter buddies! We've had up to 100 common redpolls this winter! And of course we'll miss the Rough-legged Hawk and those crazy little snow buntings! There is always something fun to look for just around the bend.
Happy trails!!!
Hey - you did it! That was really quick. Congrats on your new blog!! I saw your comment on Kathryn & Ari's blog and thought I'd better check again to see if you had set one up. Beautiful top photo...love your background colors...your photos are incredible. Yeah, you did good. ;-)
And your profile pic is probably the coolest one ever. Looking forward to reading more from you..
Thank you so much farmgirl! I'm pretty proud of me!!! Your blog was only the second blog I've looked at!! I knew I had to try it then. Now I'm afraid there are so many to see it get a little overwhelming!!! But SO much FUN! I hope those Chickybabe's are well. I'll be over to visit them soon!
Ha Ha Glad you like the bike!!
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