Well the skies here at home are clearing up but I was sent some pictures from Watertown today and thought I would share them with you. My friends Dick and Marion had a rough night, with non-stop snow. This is just an arbor in their garden.
And those feeders are no where near the ground!
Rachel was at her best friend Jackie's house last night and this is what was waiting for them in the driveway!
Jackie and her snow blower!
Did you lose it in the snow???
Rachel sees the fun in all situations!
It did start to snow here but not like it did just 2 miles south of here.
Time to refresh the feeder.
The sun is coming out!
And I thought I would let you know the guineas, although extremely bored, are warm and healthy.
If not a little confused.
Hi Buddy...would you hold still for the camera!!!

WOW! That is an amazing lot of snow Eve. Just unimaginable to me.
Had that Guinea in the corner been naughty or something? (-:
These are some wonderful pictures of how lovely a snow storm can look..so soft and clean! Good to see your friends are taking the positive side of all that weather and enjoying it!
Good to see the guineas are staying calm and warm! Soon soon spring will come!!
WOW!! I haven't sen a snowfall like that in ages!
Your word verification is MUSTANG!!
Jenny...I knew you would ask about that naughty guinea!! I didn't ask what she'd done, but her time out was short lived.
Tina, I'm just glad I didn't get that much, but there's more on the way.
Mustang....that's pretty cool...too bad it wasn't Subaru!! Ha Ha!! I've seen some interesting Word Verifications lately.
Evie, As Jen said "unimaginable".
Very sensible Guineas in the right place.
Man, that is a LOT of snow! We're in for it tomorrow. It never seems to stop this year.
Glad to see the Guinneas are all tucked in and warm ; )
Believe me Roy, everytime I look at your pictures I'm happy you have no snow!
Barb...no proof required...this is nothing around here!
Hi Sharon,
We're getting regular snow tomorrow, Yeah.
Wow! See you next spring. So, what are your thoughts about Alabama?
We got snow here tonight too, but not THAT MUCH. Whoa, enough already! That's more than I could tackle in my snow shoes.
Cheers, Yvonne
I love the snow photos. My friend grew up in Watertown. I have heard that Watertown gets whole lot of snow. The top photo is beautiful
The snow looks so pretty! Too bad it's such a pain to get out of the way!
Wow...I'm not sure I'd be smiling quite as much as your friend in the picture there...
We've been getting thick, soupy fog. It really chills the air, but it doesn't leave anything behind to clean up.
Great photos, glad it is them and not me.
Glad your guineas are doing ok.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Photography By Leedra
OMG - all that snow...and where was that snowblower when I needed it?!!
Rachel has a wonderful grin - she must be an awful lot of fun to be around!
Love the shots of the guineas...
So sorry! We have sixties here in the Denver Co. area. So strange. Love how the bird is looking at you.
I thought our snow was deep! Wow! Loved these photos - Rachel is brave! And loved seeing the guineas on their perch - I'm sure they're dreaming of the sun, surf and sand! LOL!
The different effects of a lake are quite amasing. Although we live right on Lake Erie - about 40 km west of Fort Erie/Buffalo it often seems like snowstorms pass right by us and the snow is dumped around Fort Erie and Buffalo....
These days I think that we all get it - although not in the amounts you're showing. I think we have about 1 - 1.5 foot and it is still coming down.
If that much snow fell here, we'd be totally shut down for weeks, but I enjoyed seeing it in your photos.
The snow photos looks like it does here this morning, we had over a foot of new snow yesterday.
Nothing to do BUT find the fun in it.. I always love the quiet of a snow storm like that.. Been beautiful here, but they say we will be back below zero by the weekend.. ugh.. stay warm, and by the way just how tall is your daughter.. with snow up to her neck?
Holy COW!!!!
Interesting Guinea roost...Now I know
Wow is right! I thought we had a big snow dump, but after seeing your photos, I'm frankly feeling a little ashamed for griping about the condition of MY snowy driveway!
What great snow photos and you have so MUCH of it. The guineas don't know how good life is for them....
really really enjoyed these photos.
I wanted snow and we got 'some' but I'm glad we didn't get as much as you are showing here. It looks fun until you have to shovel and move it! Ouch! my aching back!! Your guineas look warm and happy. I just love those guys! Stay warm!
When you get tired of looking at snow, come visit my two desert blogs: http://desertswest.blogspot.com/ and http://desertsandbeyond.blogspot.com/ So nice to find your blog! Believe it or not, I actually ENJOY seeing the snow!
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