Saturday, March 15, 2008

What's on the horizon....

I know it sounds like spring is here but as you can see it's still pretty white outside. I think Daisy Lu thinks she sees a bunny rabbit! Well, it wont be long before this snow is melted...even if we do have a few more spring snow storms. I have garden plants coming in the mail the week of May 5th and I have to put a gutter on my front porch and dig a new garden to put them in before then. It's something to look forward to. Make sure you follow along for that little adventure and keep your fingers crossed that we get some nice weather in the weeks ahead.


Danni said...

Awwww, what a sweet shot. Daisy Lu has a great stance - is that her special blanket on the chair? Roxy Lou spent the day getting into trouble while we spent time building the chicken coop. The people who lived here before us had two horses and Roxy has decided that what the horses left behind makes for a tasty afternoon snack. Ewwwww!!!

Eve said...

Daisy prefers rabbit poo farmgirl, but I think that's only because there isnt any horse poo laying about!!! Maybe that's the Shih tzu in them!
Crazy kids!