Thursday, August 7, 2008

She's a Farm Dog Now!

Every farm needs "workin hands" and even though we're just starting out as a little tick reducing guinea farm it takes effort to keep the keets safe and looked after before they become full fledged Guineas able to fend for themselves.

This little girl is my indispensable "workin hand"! Yesterday the guineas got into the deep bushes, which in itself was not a problem, but I needed to get them in their coop and could not get in to get them out. So I call in my canine companion who knows exactly what to do. All I have to say is "Bring them guineas". On the third try she had them all in a group and headed right for me. She never rushes them and they respect her determination!
She is one handy Guinea Herding Dog!
Take a rest girl you deserve it!


Shelley said...

She is beautiful! You tell by the exhausted expression on her face that she worked hard!

DeniseinVA said...

What a little sweet little dog you have there and very clever too. Sounds like she deserved her rest. Cute, cute photo.

Mary said...

Good dog, Daisy! She is adorable in that very pooped pose :-) How wonderful that she understands what to do and helps with the round-up.

Danni said...

Daisy Lu, I am SO impressed. Good girl! You may be tired, but you sure look happy. What is it about farm life that's making us all so darn HAPPY??! :-)

Adrian said...

Hi Eve

Daisy looks like the sort of dog my mum needs to keep her active! Check out the following website, it's Mosura's photo gallery. There is a shot that should make you chuckle: then click on "Miscellaneous" and look for the first shot!!! Enjoy.

Best wishes, Adrian

Eve said...

Adrian You're too'd you find that!!!!

Danni: what would we do without our critters!!

Hi Barb...I feel like that sometimes too!!

Hi Mary...she's a gem!

Thanks Denise...I wish everyone was lucky enough to have a dog just like Daisy Lu!

Hi Shelley! I'm always so happy to see you, but sad at the same time...I went to your blog today and...boom...the computer froze...wish there was another way!

Anonymous said...

Well done Daisy Lu.

Adrian said...

Hi Eve

You're welcome - thought you would enjoy it! Mosura commented that he had some shots of the Isle of Skye when he looked at my post and pointed me in the direction of his gallery...the rest is history!

Best wishes, Adrian

John Theberge said...

Awww, isn't it great that she's learned to round up the birds and her effort has caused her to be spent. Hope she got a treat.

Kathryn and Ari said...

Hooray for the guinea girl! Some friends of ours have a bored border collie at their farm: each day, they come home to discover that she has divided their guineas into different groups: sometimes, it's 3 groups of 3, other times it's 4 and 5, so on and so forth. I'm not sure what the hens think, but the dog is delighted.

Stacey Olson said...

Yeah, my JR protects my yard from killer so glad Daisy Lu is being nice to the tick getters.