Sunday, June 15, 2008

Coop Building....

Saturday we worked on the Guinea Coop....there was the frame and making it "squaaaaaahh" as Norm from 'The New Yankee Workshop' would say! We ALWAYS say it that way!!! There was waterproofing the floor... Of course there was Daisy Lu keeping an eye out for invading bunny rabbits... And the finishing touches....I turned around to check to see if the water hose had been turned off so not to waste water out of a leaky hose..... And low and behold we had an audience of one!!! Luckily the water was off so I didn't have to disturb his show! Finally the coop floor found it's home and all is well with the world! The End


Anonymous said...

Hi Eve,

I look forward to the fully constructed article.
Love the Dinky tractor.

Stacey Olson said...

looks like some pretty spoiled birds will be living in luxury at your place.. You go Daisy Lu.. keep them vicious bunnys at bay.. thanks Eve, have a great week

The Birdlady said...

Funny frog! I'm anxious to see the guineas.

Danni said...

Um, nice little tractor/bulldozer/thingy. I'm seriously envious. Nice color, too. The keets are coming, the keets are coming!!!!
How did you decide on a coop design? Did you finalize your plans for a run?

Eve said...

Ha Ha Roy...dinky tractor my foot!!!

Stacey I hope Daisy Lu doesnt get confused between bunnies and keets!!!

Thanks Helen I'm sure there will be gigabites of photos of my keets!! (Is that how you spell that...tons of photos just doesnt see to work anymore!!!)

What is this tractor/bulldozer thingy comment!!!! hahahahaha! Glad you like the matches my motorcycle and car as well!!!

The coop design came from the guinea fowl website....I'll have to send the link...
I downloaded a free plan and we are going by that. We've decided not to worry about a run at this moment since Guineas roam free. If we get some chickens then we would be in a bigger hurry about the run.

Eve said...

Woops! Danni that last comment was for you!!!

I'm still trying to figure this blog stuff out!!! Editing is a mystery at times!