Well...I ordered 15 Pearl Guinea
keets Friday and they will be shipped out on the 18
th! I'm a bit nervous, but excited about trying to be the best Guinea mom I can be. Our property has become overrun with ticks in the past few years and it has turned into a nightmare every summer having to do tick checks on the dogs and us!! I've done some research and found Guinea fowl are the way to go when it comes to this annoyance, and danger. Our
Elkhound, Ole, was diagnosed with Lyme disease last year. Even with tick prevention, and collars the ticks are still attached to them! Luckily we caught his Lyme early and now both dogs are on a Lyme vaccine as well.
Soon we will have the best prevention we can get....Guineas!!!
We found a nice place in the back yard are are getting ready to build a guinea coop...
Of course there is nothing we don't do without little Daisy Lu keeping an eye on...
Well!!! It's a start!!
In the meantime my gardens are looking lovely and the good news is Guineas are great for gardening...
I can't believe how fast things get big once it warms up!!!
Most of the flowers are still in the green stage but it wont be long (well I don't want to rush it) before it's full of flowers and color!
I have to thank Danni from Critter Farm for inspiring me. I started reading her blog just about the time she had all her
chickybabes in a box at her new farm. She is doing a wonderful job and I hope to be as good a critter mom as she has become!