I've been given a few awards here on my blog and I have to say I'm not very good at receiving. I really didn't follow the rules very well when it comes to these things but I want to say thank you to everyone who has given me these gifts. Stacey it was a real treat to get my first award. Denise, sweetie, they just kept coming and coming from you!!! And thank you Carolynn for this sweet gift.
I'm going to pass this along to all my blog friends on my blog roll. Yvonne, yours was the first blog I'd ever laid eyes on, your gardens are my inspiration. Danni, you know I just love you, thank you for making so many people roll on the floor. Roy, my friend, I am just tickled by your view on the world. Jenny Wren, you make me laugh and smile everyday, I'm so glad we're friends. Adgi, I miss seeing you on here but think of you often. John, your work is stunning. Helen...greetings, thank you for the wonderful thoughts. Bird Girl...wow what can I say, you get some amazing shots. Denise...you are just full of wonder. Steve. your passion for photography and your world shows through. Mary, I love your spirit is so many ways. Lynne, through your struggles you found your home in Hasty Brook. You both will bring such joy there. Shelley, you are a ray of sunshine! Tammy, I love your world and those guineas just add that special touch for me. Stacey, thank you for bringing us your majestic world. Kathryn and Ari...you are quite the bunch!! Tina, I'm so glad you took up birding...you're quite good at it.

I'm so sorry about not being able to link to each of you. I just haven't had much luck with it, thanks Danni for trying to help me. I'll have to put more effort one day soon. If you guys don't already have this award and would like to add it please take it to your blog.
You all really are the coolest bunch of friends!
Hi Evie
Thanks for this, I don't know what to do either, anybody out there that can help??? Help! (-:
Cheers Jen Wren
Thank you Eve. I ALWAYS feel welcome and enjoy my visits here.
Thank you so much Eve. I'm honored. You are so sweet and I absolutely LOVE visiting your blog and enjoy reading all your wonderful posts!
Thanks so much Evie.
The Honor was all mine eve.. You are so welcome.
Thank you Eve, you are a ray of sunshine in everyone's day.
Aw, well done, Eve. Congrats on your latest award!! Your kind words to all on your blogroll are lovely and heartfelt (and thank you for including me!) - hugs from oregon, danni, and - of course - roxy
Eve - you are so sweet! I think you are the coolest ever!!
:-) Big hugs to you and the guineas! Shelley
Eve: Thank you! It is we who are blessed to get to see your sunny view of life each day :-) I always look forward to your photos, your writing, your poems, your help with identifications...but mostly your humor and good spirits at all times. I'm not very good with awards either and think this is a great way to handle them :-)
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