First let me say sorry about the quality of these pictures. I hope to make up for their lacking in the story to follow.
Yesterday Morgan and Ole went out to play after a bit of snow fell this weekend. I always give the guineas an open door in case they want to brave the snow...(unless it's just too cold then the door is shut). One brave guinea came out to play with them and at the same time Daisy was asking to go out to play too. So I opened the door and swoosh out she went. The next thing I saw was a guinea on the coop! Morgan didn't know what to do!! "Daisy scared her up on the roof!!!" We were all proud of our first time "roofer" for sure!
After a few minutes of being the star of the show she took the big leap with the gang all looking on!
Every one following along wishing they could fly like that!

Note Daisy's butt behind Ole!! Ha Ha Ha!!
No one said Guineas were graceful in flight.
Then everyone decided to join the fun.
Did you fly up there too Daisy Lu?
Wow that is really not becoming of you!
That's a little better!
Feathers were flying everywhere!
Most everyone made it to the table.
Well, these guys must have gotten sidetracked! 

All in all it was great fun for everyone. More pictures tomorrow. Today the guineas will be taking a's -12 degrees out this morning!
I was thoroughly entertained by this post! I don't know anything about Guineas, but they seem to be quite the characters! Interesting features too...Who knew? Love it!
And...-12 degrees? Nasty!
Very entertaining Eve and I think your photos are great. And's cold up there. I think it's 26 degrees down here. Come on down for a cup of virtual hot chocolate! That's what I am heading for right now. Have a great day. Thanks for the smiles this morning and you and the family stay warm :)
Eve - I have to tell you again how much I love your guineas! The photos of them flying was priceless! (Are you sure they weren't in the movie "The Matix"- ha,ha!)
That's funny Shelley...maybe that's where they got those moves from!!!
Hey Eve
Yet another interesting aside in the long running saga of the Guineas! Nice in flight shots there.
Best wishes, Adgi
That's hilarious! And good job on capturing them mid-flight like that. It can't have been easy to do. I think they're adorable, funny, and graceful!
-12??? Really? Egad.
*Love* that shots of Daisy on the table with the guineas. Hilarious!
Congrats to the first time "roofer"! :-)
This is hilarious! I love these guys, they're so neat!
I so loved this post! The pics of your feathered babies flying..was hilarious. That picture is worth a thousand words..what a face!! You always have such great stories about your guineas! Neat dog too!
Soooo funny Evie! I specially love the ones flying up to the table, that intense look of concentration! Did they skid on the table?
Eve, I just love these guinea stories and photos. And what's that white stuff all over?
Too Cool. This posting made me smile. Thanks for putting it up.
LOL. Not gracefull flyers at all. great story and the pics were wonderful too... no opology needed. Stay warm
What fun! Makes me want to go out and fly with them. Daisy Lu did a great job of "flying" to the table, for one with short legs. Wonderful photos and story.
I think Daisy Lu is the star there.
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