Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mr. Intrepid

Even when I'm sitting all alone on my mountain, I always feel like there is someone watching over me!
Now you might not see him... you do!


Roy said...

Coded message received Evie.
Of course I don't have a clue what it means though.{:))

Eve said...

Roy, ha ha only slightly coded... Take a look at the dogwood tree behind the chair!!! He's always watching me!!!! : /

Roy said...

Well, he is certainly hanging over you Evie. {:))

Eve said...

Yes he is Roy! :-)

Dog Trot Farm said...

Eve, I'm glad that mystery is solved as I had no idea what you were referring to. I so wish I was there in sweet Alabama, just to sit and enjoy a glass of sweet tea with you. Hugs from Maine....

Anonymous said...

Evis he looks like he has a cranky goin' on! With just a little clip he could be happier. Lovely sitting spot.

Eve said...

Wish you were here to Julie!! We could paint our toenails!!

Pix!! hahahaha! We are the Yin and Yang of the mountain!! He keeps me balanced!!

Trobairitz said...

Very cool.

Makes you wonder what other things are watching you while you are out in your yard.

We have beige ceramic floor tile in the bathroom and I've noticed at least 2 'faces' staring back at me and one looks like a clown go figure.

Eve said...

Oh Trob! Not a clown!!! Just don't read "It" and maybe it'll be ok!!!

Webster World said...

I see um. Had one in the paint on the ceiling when I was a kid :-)

debsgarden said...

Ha Ha! I actually saw the man in the tree before I noticed your message! He does look a bit grumpy.

BilboWaggins said...

Perhaps he's looking grumpy because you've always got your back to him? :}