Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sun meets Tree!!

The plans were made to meet and although we weren't certain of our destinations, Debi from the "Giraffe Head Tree" and I, Eve from "Sunny Side Up" hopped into our cars and set off to meet for the first time. I found Debi's Blog before I left New York for Alabama and I couldn't have been luckier to find her!
We met at a Mexican restaurant for lunch and well some fun! Do you suppose it was the bull rider on the table that had us giggling?Do you suppose there will be a picture of me at the other end of that lens!! Maybe it didn't come out!!! hahaha! After our lunch we decided to go north to The Greenery!We were in for a real treat! Between the two of us...the ohhhhs and awwes were never ending! First thing I found was my little Daisy Lu looking right up at me...
...and this sweet fellow looking down from above! So many shiny pretty things! And soft birds that reminded me of Jenny Wren!And for my cousin Julie...hen soap! I found the table of my dreams......and the hutch to go with it...just don't look at the price tags!! If I could just gather all this stuff up and bring it home! I think I have a place for him on my roof...what do you think Roy? The plants were so perfectly potted! And you can certainly not have too many dogs around the yard. There's always room for dogs! But all fun things have to come to an end and with the weather turning dark it was time to say our farewells. I forgot to tell you, I picked up a couple sweet ferns to bring home to my porch.
I promptly found a pot and settled them in. Debi, I had a great time and am so glad we've met!
I just can't wait for our next adventure!


farmlady said...

I will take the Hen soap and the garden dogs, please.
Glad you had such a great day!

Danni said...

Yay! Finally getting to meet blog friends is AWESOME! I love that you two got the giggles - a sure sign of kindred spirits!!

But...I do hate to break it to you, but that pillow doggy - that's not Daisy Lu...that's Roxy Louise. It's very clear.
My wv is Peediarg. What do you suppose THAT means? lol

DeniseinVA said...

That sounded like a lot of fun Eve and The Greenery looks like my kind of place.

kerry hawkins art and photo said...

Very fun, some of the photos are so beautiful

The Giraffe Head Tree said...

Hey, missy! Didn't we have fun? I love your photos of our time together - we have to do that again, and again, and again...!

Jenny said...

What a great day, to meet up with a fellow blogger and have a yummy lunch and then browse around what looks like a fabulous shop! I guess those a partridges in those pear trees! (-: I love that horse. You need to go back and get that for yourself Evie.

Rural Rambler said...

What a wonderful thing you two got together! Happy pictures of you two sharing a special afternoon, thanks for letting us in on the fun! Nice to be close enough to make it happen for you both, oh man and Mexican food too!

Mary said...

Obviously a good time was had by all :-) How neat to meet a fellow blogger. I love all the stuff in that shop. Browsing is so much fun. Did you buy the Daisy Lu pillow?

Tina said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time and found a new great the dog sculptures...neat!

Eve said...

It was a great time and no I didn't buy the table or the Daisy Lu pillow...but Danni...I'll arm wrestle you for it!! Oh on second thought...better not...I think you can take me!! And what in the world is wv Peediarg??? Did I even spell it right...I saw that at midnight the other night and laid in bed for hours trying to figure it out!!!
You are a trouble causer!!! hahahaha!!

Danni said...

Oh Eve...ha ha ha...I laughed about your comment as I was getting the chicken treats together and then I laughed all the way down to the chicken coop. I'm SO sorry that you lost any sleep over this. :-)
wv = word know, those crazy letters that have to type in to post a comment - sometimes they make actual words and, sometimes, they don't. Some times it's just "almost" words. :-) :-)

Eve said...

OH!!! I should have known the "vw" shortcut Danni!! Ha Ha Ha! I loved Carolynn's post on making up meanings for these crazy compilements of letters...see...I love making up words!!!
So Peediarg means....thinking....ok...peediarg..."I spent sleepless peediarg hours trying to figure out what peediarg means." Peediarg. The act of tossing and turning due to confusing terminology from good friends!!
Ha Ha Ha!!!

Danni said...

well...(blush) i am actually much less classy than you. anything i see that has the letters p-e-e in it makes me giggle like a child. snicker.

Ok, now this is pretty funny, too. My wv now is: unsicki.
That's me. Not feeling sick. This makes me unsicki. :-)

Eve said...

Ha Ha!! We'll have to start a new Blogger dictionary!

Unknown said...

Very cool! It looks like ya'll had a great time! That Greenery looks like a great store to visit! Debi has always been a big support and inspiration to me- I'm glad that ya'll could meet up.

My 3 year old daughter is getting in on the nature research- she lept into the pool a few nights ago (she is a great swimmer and on the local swim team) and she caught a very large bullfrog. She then preceded to treat think about the different doll dresses that she could put on the frog. In hindsight- I should have let her do that- but instead I asked her to throw it into the little pond we have behind our house where it normally stays- until it decides to swim in the pool. :)

Dog Trot Farm said...

Oh Eve you girls had such a great day, I am envious. Did you and Debi make a purchase? Did you bring home that Daisy Lu Look alike pillow. Great post.

A New England Life said...

What a great day Eve! So nice to make a new friend : ) Love that shop though I imagine it was very pricey!!! It's one of those places where you go in and buy maybe one item that you can't live without.

Good to see you on Debi's blog too!